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10 Best Freshwater Fish Species for Aquarium

Freshwater fish are species that spend some or all of their lives in freshwater, such as rivers and lakes.

Today, keeping fish as pets is a very popular choice, and for good reasons, keeping freshwater fish likewise has numerous health benefits and advantages, for example, reducing stress, lowering blood pressure, and heart rate.

The most desired breeds are easy to care for, they bring beauty and colors and they are unwinding to watch.
In this article, we’re going to take a look at the best species available in the freshwater aquarium industry today.

1. Guppy

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This colorful and lively fish is very easy to care for, peaceful, and can breed easily.
The Guppy is hardy and able to adapt to a variety of water conditions, it is common to find it in many freshwater aquariums, in fact, this fish is not demanding at all.

2. Neon Tetra

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Neon Tetras are small, easy to care, they are considered by many to be the best, since there are very hardy these fish are a great option for beginners.
Neons are great fish for a peaceful community due to their timid nature. If you have a big tank, feel free to add a large group of 30 or more of them, they can live together without any issues.

3. Platy 

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Because of their qualities Platies are between the most popular aquarium fish in the world.
They come in many varieties, these fish are easy to care for and considered to be one of the top beginner fish.
Platies are hardy, active, and friendly, and they can be kept in a smaller tank than other breeds.

4. Oscar

Image by: Pexels

Oscars are one of the most intelligent aquarium fish available, one of only a handful couple of fish types that can be prepared to do stunts.
Oscars are healthy and can grow very fast reaching up to 12 inches.

5. Molly

Image by: Pixabay

Mollies are extremely popular fish to be kept in the community of an artificial aquarium, all around the globe. They are very attractive tropical fish with many different colors such as orange, green, and black.
This small, peaceful species can grow to around 3-4 inches, and adapt well to a variety of water conditions.

6. Zebrafish

Image by: Flickr

Zebra is small-sized fish, people like it due to the size and its good-temper nature. It makes the perfect beginner fish, very easy to care for, and can grow up to 5-7cm.

7. Cory

Image by: Aquaticarts

Cories are simple to keep and easy to combine with other fish making them perfect for beginners, they are peaceful and enjoy good company.
They are best known for their activity, Cories enjoy swimming around making great shows to watch.

8. Cherry Barb

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Cherry Barbs are brightly colored fish and one of the most popular pet fish adored by aquarists of all levels.
Barbs are playful, active swimmers and they do best by keeping them with other fish of their kind. They are beautiful and attractive fish, just watching one of them is a source of entertainment and stress relief.

9. Gourami

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Gourami fish are playful and entertaining which comes in a variety of color combinations as well as patterns.
Gouramis are among the most tranquil fish on the market. There are many different types, coming in different sizes and colors.

10. Swordtail

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The Swordtail is one of the most popular aquarium fish species. In general, this fish is quite peaceful and it can inhabit in a typical tank.
There are a wide range of shading varieties accessible and they are very strong which makes them a perfect species for the beginner aquarist.
10 Best Freshwater Fish Species for Aquarium 10 Best Freshwater Fish Species for Aquarium Reviewed by THSPatch on août 09, 2019 Rating: 5

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